Grace Chapel - San Diego

Conversations: Vulnerability as a Path to God with Celeste Garcia



OverviewOn today’s podcast, Celeste Garcia talks with Alanna Sullivan about how vulnerability is a key to unlocking deeper community and creates a path to growing closer to God. Celeste is a trained Psychologist that currently works with at-risk youth within San Diego County. Shame & Vulnerability: 0:00 - 12:00PartI: Celeste shares about her own experience with shame and vulnerability as a child and also as a Christian young in the faith. She shares how deep community in home gatherings helped her to be vulnerable accelerating her relation with with the Lord.She also covers some of the basics of shame and vulnerability.  Biblical Connections: 12:00-22:00Part II: Celeste covers biblical connections to the importance of vulnerability and carrying one another’s burdens. She also covers some practical advice with the congregation around how vulnerability, both as a one who enters into vulnerability, but also as one who bears it for another is of the utmost importance in intimate community.