School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#165 Exposing Your Kids to the Dark Side -- WHY and HOW



Welcome to this episode where we will be discussing a sensitive and sometimes frightening topic to many parents — and that’s WHY and HOW to expose your children to the darkness in order to help them be stronger and more prepared to face and fight evil and malice in the world (which does exist, in case you’re like I used to be and naively thought there are no ‘bad people’ in the world or that bad things don’t happen to me or my family. We’ll also touch on the Law of Attraction or Expectation and how that works into our encounters with evil -- as well as why allowing your children to choose the music and movies they listen to or watch can be a helpful place to start discussions that should be taking place regularly if you want to help your kids develop resilience. This episode is sponsored by Mr. Denning’s Habits for a Successful Life — a live, online class for teenagers. After studying personal development for 20 years, we looked far and wide for a class that would teach our teenagers something MORE important