Pastor Jason Anderson - Audio

God's Love



Today I want to start a new series on God's love. God's love is different than carnal love. God's love is when we lay down our own life to raise up someone else. Love - there is a great deal of confusion around the word love. What is it? What it isn't? It is the most powerful and sought after force on the planet, and so Satan works overtime to make a mess of love. There is a very fine line between hate and love. Two fall in love, and if it doesn't work out, there is often hate. There's a lot of hate in the world right now. Not just in America either. Hate isn't new, all generations have seen hate, from the Vietnam War to the Civil War, or the hate they felt for Christ as they crucified him on the hill they call the Skull. God's answer for hate is always the same... the Cross, the gates to His love. And the world is going to be searching soon for something that works, and we are that answer. We are the mouthpiece of God to the world,