Brand Yourself

173: Hello 2022 & Stepping Into Your Fullest Self-Expression



Happy New Year, beautiful friend. I’m excited to bring the Brand Yourself podcast back to life after a 4-month break and create this new season with fresh eyes and a new intention. As you’ll hear in this welcome back episode, the last quarter of 2021 was especially challenging for me – for a variety of reasons. And it woke me to the truth – I had been pushing myself too hard and gotten to a place where I was resenting the second business I launched in June. And my body? Wow, it made it very clear that I needed to slowwwww way down and be much more protective of my time, energy, and wellbeing. I dive into the details of what happened and what I’ll be doing differently this year in the episode. I also share how my solo episodes will be shifting a bit AND my intention for having more diverse guests on the show – particularly when it comes to worldview. I’m excited to step into this fresh start with you and create a space where you feel inspired to be more you in your life and your business. Big hug, Blair   To l