Ojo Geopolítico- Geopolítica Y Geoestrategia-

De por qué los talibanes vinieron para quedarse según the Wali of Khurasan Shaykh Hafidh Said Khan (hafidhahullah)



D?biq: Does the nationalist Taliban movement continue to allow farmers to sell opium? How is the Wil?yah dealing with this serious phenomenon? The W?l?: There’s no doubt that the nationalist Taliban movement has permitted farmers and merchants to grow and sell opium. Rather, the matter has reached the point that the movement itself harvests opium, and even worse than that is that the Taliban themselves transport opium and heroin in their personal vehicles, charging a fee to the sellers and the addicts! They also take a 10% cut as well as taxes from them. Akhtar Mansour himself is considered as being from the major dealers of these narcotics. As for the Wil?yah – walhamdulill?h – then it has not only banned the growth and sale of opium, but has also banned in its territory everything that Allah’s law has prohibited, such as cigarettes and similar substances. So anywhere the men of hisbah find these prohibited items and narcotics in the lands the muj?hid?n have liberated, they gather them and burn them. And mor