

Because the coaching industry has conditioned aspiring coaches, mentors, and leaders to focus on selling to their pain points rather than the transformation they get to experience by taking the leap, we've witnessed a community of people suffering for far too long. Burnout is the definition of suffering and the opposite of freedom, flow, sustainability, all of which are necessary if you're to run a successful business. Having been someone who entered into this industry 8 years ago because I was taught to focus on my pain points, it took me hitting rock bottom in business with burnout that led me to truly reevaluate and shift my business. That suffering and burnout was a trauma response to stay in my "comfort zone" because suffering was what I knew more than success. And after over 9 months of memory loss, being in and out of the hospital, study after study, and seizure after seizure, it was evident that there was a massive initiation I was navigating through. As I was being prepared to truly actualize my desi