Natural Solutions Radio |

Ep. 318 - Natural Solutions Radio | First Hour & Second Hour



Are you here, now, by accident? There is a reason you are reading this. A world of events has brought us to this place, and here we are. Get ready to learn to health yourself as Professor Eliezer Ben-Joseph brings his world acquired mastery of the human body and health sciences. Praised as a holy reincarnated soul in India for his remarkable ability to stare into the sun for an indeterminate amount of time and able to perform breathing techniques that are not for the novice, Eliezer Ben-Joseph can help you acheive the most of your health by teaching you about your body systems and how they work with an emphasis on nutrition and natural therapies like EWOT, or exercise with oxygen therapy. Every day is a new day with Natural Solutions Radio, and you are invited to share this moment with us, so that we may grow and learn together. To Learn more about Professor Eliezer Ben-Joseph and all his work visit  All other questions can be answered at the brick and mortar store Health Natur