Out Of The Fog With Karen Hager

Out of the Fog: Feminine Energy and Abundance with Elé de Posson



Today’s guest knows that living in your feminine brings more flow, abundance and fulfillment to life. But what does it mean to invite feminine energy, and to ground our lives in that space? Elé de Posson shares her wisdom about magnetizing our paths to receive more good things. Eléonore de Posson is a spiritual teacher, intuitive business mentor, healer, speaker, and author. She helps women entrepreneurs, leaders and wayshowers run their business and life from their feminine energy so that they can magnetize more wealth, alignment and flow while impacting humanity in their unique way.  Elé’s new book is The Path of Femininity: The 6 Gifts of Your Sovereignty, and she’s the host of the Sacred Roots podcast. Her gifts are depth, wisdom and practical leadership. With these gifts, she leads her clients to have a soul-led business and life. Find out more at eleonoredeposson.com.