
87. Fashion Therapy



What we wear and how we wear it is a powerful outlet for self-expression. It’s more than just a fashion statement; it’s a reflection of ourselves. Marisol talks all things fashion, therapy, and puffy coats in this episode dedicated to her Asheville based business, SolReflection. In this 2 part series Adam and Marisol take an episode each to talk about what they are passionate about, what they do for a living, and what fuels their fire. Marisol goes first, and talks about starting a business, how she has married her passion and her profession, and a little about her style journey. She is a Personal Stylist and Psychotherapist who married her expertise in fashion consulting and personal identity with a decade-plus long career working and teaching in the field of trauma healing. her background as a therapist brings a level of consciousness that is not incorporated in traditional styling, ultimately helping align style to soul. She remarks that Therapeutic Image Consulting is not about leading you to the lates