Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

121: The Truth About Obstacles & Falling Off the Bandwagon. Heart-Check Series (Part 3)



We’ve all fallen off the bandwagon and encountered obstacles when trying to take care of our health. It’s a very common thing that we naturally expect but it doesn’t have to be that way. (Re-read that again!) Re-starting over again and going back to square one is very discouraging for many of us. But it can also be a thing of the past just by doing some planning so you can counteract those expected obstacles. Over the years, I’ve realized that this is one of those things that even experts and popular coaches commonly overlook and don’t teach their clients. If you have a strong desire for CHANGE and want some relief from the discouragement trap, then open your notebook to a clean sheet, and let’s start creating your plan right away! Finally, you can sidestep those obstacles and lower your chances of falling off the bandwagon! I hope you’re excited to learn how to create this simple personal plan so you will know exactly how to counter those obstacles BEFORE they take over your health intentions (again!). Tune