Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

119: Are Your Weight Loss Goals Built on Lies? Identifying & Replacing Worldly Lies with God’s Truth. Heart-Check Series (Part 1)



As you think and do anything dealing with weight loss have you ever stopped to think about the reasons why, what, and who influenced you to chase after this “dream body”? Oftentimes, it’s easier to pick up dumbbells than to stop and address our real issues. In other words, because we live in a world that is all about go, go, go we don’t take the time to stop and face our issues - in essence these are spiritual heart issues. We cover this and more in this episode (and series). This is part one in a 3-part series called Heart-check. We can never do enough heart-checking as Christians especially when it comes to pursuing weight loss belonging to an industry that’s filled with lots of vain reasons. These same reasons are those that simply don’t serve or impact our neighbors or the people we love. Grab your notepad for this one. Let’s do a heart-check in with your weight loss goals! Stay Fit for His Kingdom, Jaclyn Obsessing about your weight and obsessing about what you see when you look in the mirror? Constantl