Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Bringing Your Vision Into Focus: Success Secret #3 with Dr. Shannon Irvine



Who just loves “back-seat drivers?” Don’t you just love when someone is sitting in the passenger seat giving you unsolicited advice, reminding you where to turn, and controlling what is not theirs to control?  Why do we allow the same thing to happen when it comes to living out the unique vision and calling we’ve been given? There are so many “back-seat drivers” (aka: distractions) that are robbing us of allowing our vision to be the driver.  Everything starts with vision.  Without it, there is no purpose and direction. Every goal (short-term and long-term) must be driven by the vision.  The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   It’s not about a vision board. It’s so much more than writing goals down. It’s about building the vision for the future. Your brain needs to believe it in order for you to achieve it. There are old, broken models that don’t work, because they don’t align with how you are wired. To create vision, you have to identify what success means to you. What is your vision of the f