Social Media Zoom Factor With Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |business | Entrepreneur | Business | Digital Mar

101: 10 Tips to Refocus On Your Customer & Increase Social Media Results



Did you know that according to Google, the average consumer researches 10.4 sources before making a purchase decision? This includes researching content via the web, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn as well as talking to trusted colleagues, friends and family. How is your brand doing when it comes to delivering the needed information and customer experience that inspires your audience, customer and online social community members make the desired action or purchase decision? Does a visit to your blog, website or Twitter stream provide information that helps your customer become inspired to further connect with you and your brand? Or it is pushing them away to your competition? 76% of marketers believe they know what customers want. However, only 34% have ever asked them. The truth is many marketers don't know their ideal customer. They don't know what keeps them up at night or how they can best help them solve their problems. If you want to achieve real results using social me