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089: Social TV: Is Ignoring Customers on Social Media a Strategy? CBS Case Study



Social media has given consumers, viewers, partners and stakeholders a new platform to speak their mind. Brands can no longer hide behind the brick walls of buildings, public relationship companies or administrative assistants screening calls. There is likely a conversation happening in the honor of you and your brand right now, regardless if you have chosen to be part of the conversation. What should a brand do when crisis hits? What should they do when the Twitter and Facebook storm gets out of control and tweets are flying left and right with angry TV viewers, customers, partners and friends? Should they ignore the tweets? Should they close their eyes to the Facebook comment stream with hundreds or thousands of comments complaining and sharing their negative opinions of the brand? Is ignoring customers and online community members on social media even an option? Take a listen to this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast for a case study in how CBS and the Under Cover Boss TV show has chosen to ignore