

Do you ever feel like you want to jump in the fast lane of business and life but something is holding you back? Does it feel like you are stuck in the slow lane doing the doggy paddle? Many business leaders and marketers deep down inside are afraid of success. Because of fear they often stick to status quo as they are more comfortable there. They are afraid to put themselves out there so stick with a nice, slower pace of "doggy paddle." Unfortunately the doggy paddle is not going to help you zoom turbo in business or life. Although it may be comfortable, it's unlikely you'll be able to sustain anything at such a slow pace for much longer than the short time. The chances are high you will burn out, run out of money or simply fail. There is no better time to kick the doggy paddle to the curb than the launch of a new year. As we kickoff 2015, I am challenging you right here and now to jump in the fast lane. I want you to kick the social media doggy paddle to the curb. It's time to leave the amateaur stroke to th