

It's no surprise that Facebook is still one of the hottest social networks around. Check out these statistics published by Facebook as of September 2014. 864 million daily active users on average  703 million mobile daily active users on average  1.35 billion monthly active users  1.12 billion mobile monthly active users  As with anything in life or business, when there is opportunity for goodness, there is also much opportunity for risk and even damage to your brand and business. Facebook is no different. Facebook presents tremendous opportunity to nurture relationships, establish and grow community, increase brand awareness and even your business bottom line. However, if you don't understand the ecosystem, how you can best fit within it to build relationships and your brand, you may wind up hurting your brand more than helping it.    It is is as important to understand not only best practices but also worst practices that can damage your personal brand, corporate brand and business success when it comes to