

You’ve heard the words… Tweet Chats, #TweetChats, Hashtags, or even hashbrowns as one of my clients first called them.  You see the early notification tweets: “Peeps – high tweet warning, for the next hour, headed into a tweet chat.” For those who aren’t engaged in the tweet chat or don’t understand them, a tweet chat may seem like a bunch of noise. You are half right and half almost right. Yes, there may be some associated “noisy tweeting.” However, tweet chats can offer great benefit for you and your business to build new relationships, increase blog readership, build community, increase brand awareness, and even get new followers or Facebook fans! So what is a tweet chat? Why should I care? How do I use a hashtag? How do you find relevant chats? What are the business benefits? What are the unspoken guidelines for joining them? What tools should I use to participate and filter tweets?  Take a listen to  this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast for an overview of Twitter Chats from Pam Moore, CEO Found