

What do you and your brand stand for? What are your morals? What ethics are you building your business and life upon? How solid of foundation are you standing on? When if ever will you trade in your ethics, integrity and morals for a few bucks? I was recently approached by the agency of a very large technology brand inviting me to help them out with an online influencer program. The brand offered to pay me $1,500 to help them promote a campaign for a few short weeks. The campaign intertwined both a social good, random act of kindness type of game with a giveaway for a product. Take a listen to this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast to hear why Pam Moore, CEO & Founder, Marketing Nutz, social media, digital marketing, experiential branding, web development agency turned down the opportunity. It did not align with my beliefs, morals and foundation for which I am building and have already built my brand. Although I would have loved to work with this particular brand, it was not worth the risk to my p