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070: Why CEO Must Put Skin In Game for Employee Brand Advocacy Programs



Have you tried implementing an employee brand advocacy program only to find you are constantly hitting internal business road blocks? Do you struggle with getting the buy-in from key stakeholders? Do you feel like you are herding cats getting even your pilot program off the ground? A successful employee advocacy program requires more than a fancy slide deck, and lip service approval from the c-suite. If you want real results everyone from the CEO and c-suite, executive directors to employees must have skin in the game. You must earn their buy-in, support and belief in your program. You need to ensure them they are part of something that is bigger than themselves and what you or them can do alone. Take a listen to this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast from Pam Moore, CEO and CoFounder Marketing Nutz, a full service social business, digital marketing and branding agency, for a discussion on why key stakeholders, business leaders and employees must invest in employees and why employees must be committed