

Becoming a social business is a journey, not a destination. You can't just mark a day on the calendar and say "this is the day we will be a social business."    We must embrace the journey. We need to endure the bumps, valleys and remember we are in this journey for the long haul! We need to build a team of people who are ready for the journey and can see the vision ahead.    If you are having difficulty seeing real results from your investment in social media, it may be time for you to do a quick mindset check. The problems may be in your own heart, mind and attitude vs The keys to success in integrating new media, social technologies and social business practices into your business for real results are in the people, human relationships and leading teams to achieve goals and objectives.    We must embrace imperfect perfection and know that perfection is the enemy of good. Sometimes really good is good enough!    In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz share wi