

Everything you tweet, post, pin, say and do is a representation of your brand.   Does adding the disclaimer "my tweets are my own" to your Twitter profile really make them your own? Does it really separate your thoughts in 140 character increments from that of the brand you are associating yourself with?   Brand, marketing and business leaders must realize and learn that a simple statement of "my tweets are my own" does not mean that another human being reading them is going to necessarily separate those thoughts and a particular tweet or post to any social network from that of the brand.   Instead, brand and organizational leadership should be focused on investing in employees as human beings. They should be training them, empowering them to be loyal brand evangelists!   In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO and Founder Marketing Nutz, a full service, social media, social business and digital marketing agency shares with you exactly why she does not  believe your tweets are your ow