Social Media Zoom Factor With Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |business | Entrepreneur | Business | Digital Mar

045: Twitter for the C-Suite - 15 Things Every CEO Must Do Before Hopping on Twitter



Congratulations! You have finally said “yes” to jumping into the social bird bath with that crazy blue bird, Twitter. It feels like a big commitment and you didn't make the decision lightly. You may have thought this day would never come. You thought that lil' blue bird would fly away to its happy place so you would never have to worry about talking in 140 character fragments of conversation.  However, that lil' blue bird is still kickin', swimmin' and rockin' the social ecosystem. Twitter is where we get our news, connect with like minds and  You are probably even seeing trusted colleagues, other CEOs, CMOs and even your best friend nurturing relationships and seeing real business results using Twitter. The big question now is how can you do the same! In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast, Pam Moore, CEO & Founder Marketing Nutz, full service experiential branding, social business, digital marketing, content marketing agency shares 15 things  things every CEO, CMO, CTO, CIO and any member of