Social Media Zoom Factor With Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |business | Entrepreneur | Business | Digital Mar

035: Social Media Launch Strategies for Startups, Entrepreneurs, Mobile Application Providers, Corporations



I am simply shocked at how many startups, small business owners, entrepreneurs and even marketers in large corporations wait until the last minute before launching their business or product to market to implement social media marketing strategies and tactics. We have all seen them. They hop on Twitter the day before or day of launch throwing nothing but social spaghetti and spam on the walls of influencers, begging for clicks, plays, downloads, shares and everything in between. There is not a day that goes by that I don't wake up to an inbox filled with spam web forms begging me to share info graphics, videos and the list goes on. My Twitter feed is filled with beggars spamming links to apps and software that they are confident will take over Facebook in the next 30 days. What these lazy marketers don't realize is that they are doing their brand more harm than good. It is obvious they don't understand the social ecosystem of which they have barged into blasting nothing but noise. Two of the top reasons market