Stellar Life | Get Inspired And Live Out Loud

212: Coronavirus: State of Emergency with Orion Talmay



The whole world is collectively in the midst of a huge challenge. Over the last several weeks, the news is filled with scary words like “pandemic”, “economy crashing”, and “city-wide lockdown.” The Coronavirus is not just attacking our immune system, it’s also targeting our mental health. A stressed mind leads to unhealthy habits. How does one retain peace of mind amidst all this chaos?  In this special solo episode, I share a few tips on how to remain calm and collected. I believe a clear mind produces the best decisions and in times like this, we all need to be wise in everything we do. I live in Los Angeles, and the last few days have been crazy! People are panic buying everywhere as if it’s the apocalypse. The media is sensationalizing everything and the entire city is on heightened alert. Even I panicked at first because I have a baby to feed, but all the aisles in the grocery stores are empty.  It can be debilitating and tiring, and if we don’t control our thoughts, our immune system will be affected. S