Stellar Life | Get Inspired And Live Out Loud

193: Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich with Dr. Lois Frankel



As a child, I was taught that being nice and polite would go a long way. And while having these values will certainly take you far in life, you may have noticed by now that we live in a man’s world - and as a woman, you have to be more than just ‘nice’ if you want to get ahead.   Women are living under societal pressures which dictate how we should behave, look, and live our lives. A lot of the messages which surround you as a women are infused with limiting beliefs on what you can accomplish in life - from how much money you can earn, the kinds of roles you can play in society, to how valuable you are based on your looks.  Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, a Pulitzer winning historian, famously wrote “Well behaved women seldom make history” - meaning, it’s the women who have shaken things up and been assertive of what they want in life - often at risk of being labeled a “bitch” - who have gone on to lead memorable lives. My guest today is one such memorable woman who was tired of being the nice girl, and started takin