Stellar Life | Get Inspired And Live Out Loud

190: Live Life with No Regrets with David Wood



Being vulnerable can be risky - but wouldn’t you agree that it’s the risks in life that make life worth living? If you never venture into the unknown, if you let yourself be held back by fear, I bet there are many things in your life that will pass you buy, when they could have changed the course of your destiny forever.    Vulnerability exposes the most inner truths of ourselves and for that reason, many people equate vulnerability with weakness. But being vulnerable is actually a sign of bravery - you are risking the most fragile parts of yourself, knowing well that you could get hurt by rejection, shame, or ridicule, but you do it anyway. And at the end of the day, you want to live a life of no regrets, and not look back on what you didn't do, because you were too afraid.    Many of my clients are strong, independent women who have trouble with the idea of vulnerability when it comes to relationships. They are alpha females who have been hurt in the past, who feel that wearing their heart on their sleeve i