Stellar Life | Get Inspired And Live Out Loud

179: Quantum Love with Dr. Laura Berman



The people and situations that you attract in your life all depend on the type of energy that you choose to carry within you, and that which you choose to let go of. It’s important to realize the difference between the two, because while you can’t avoid negative energy that comes to you, you can learn how to block or dispel it from your life and choose to focus on the positive.  This is especially important in your relationships, particularly your marriage. Choosing to love your partner out of a place of positivity, developing a sense of when their energy gets low and needs a boost, will be essential to maintaining a happy and fulfilled relationship that is intensely connected.  And if you are not in a relationship yet, but want to be, what has worked for my love coaching clients in the past is manifesting the love of their life not by envisioning who that person will be, but by working on themselves to become the person that will attract their soulmate. Dr. Laura Berman, my guest today, also believes in this