Grey Muzzle Geekery's Podcast

Episode 075: Silicon Sourdough



Welcome to Episode 075, for February 22nd, 2021!Special Announcements!FurSquared Virtual Convention - February 26th - 28th! Go to for more details!Join your GreyMuzzles over at Hood&Dagger on Twitch on March 5th for a one shot 5th Edition D&D session, DMed by Nick Wilson of NERO Kalamazoo head of plot!This week White and Red dive into 'Geek News' about Nvidia & BitMining, Performance Beer, more Zelda 35th Anniversary , Disco Cookies & Daft Punk Retirement!We then join Red as he goes down another 'Rabbit Hole' about YouTube music and the Hip Hop reactors, rappers and influencers that have capitalized on such a platform!Here's some of Red's Favorite YouTube pages from the Hip Hop Crew!KnoxHillNoLifeShaqStevieKnightSupport us on Patreon!Watch us on Twitch!Like us on Facebook!         Follow us on Twitter!         Peek in on Instagram!       Chat with us on Discord!Subscribe to us on YouTube!