Ordinary Vegan Podcast

Ordinary Vegan Podcast #74-Best Foods For Respiratory System Health



Did you know what you eat can benefit your lung function and improve your respiratory system health? Today we explore food and exercises to improve conditions in the air passageways to make your lungs stronger. We often don't consider the important role our lungs play in keeping us well. It is not until we experience problems breathing that we take notice. Recently there has been a lot of attention about lung function and the respiratory system. The new Covid-19 virus attacks the lungs and researchers are trying to understand why.  But until they figure it out, we need to protect ourselves as best we can. Most people don't know this, but lung function starts to decline at age 30. After the age of 35, breathing becomes gradually more difficult. The respiratory system does two critical things. It brings oxygen into our bodies, which we need for our cells to function properly. It also helps us get rid of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide must be removed from the bloodstream before it reaches harmful levels. When th