Ordinary Vegan Podcast

Ordinary Vegan Podcast #47: Dream Interpretation with Tricia Kelly



You may think dream interpretation is an unusual subject for a health and wellness podcast, but dreaming is an important function for our emotional health. Dreams are often the way the brain solves problems and deals with our concerns. Furthermore, some psychologists think that dreams are nothing more than random brain activity. While others like Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung believe that dreams can reveal a person's deepest unconscious wishes and desire. In particular, Freud's work on dreams explored the possibility of universal symbols in dreams. However, he was cautious about symbols and believed that symbols are more personal rather than universal. In other words, no one dream interpretation fits all. And why do the same dreams reoccur? Why do you keep dreaming of missing a plane or having to cram for a college exam after you graduated from college? Some people even dream that they are being murdered or murdering someone else. Above all,  lengthy, distressful, or violent nightmares can disrupt our sleep and