Dear Daughters

3 Ways to Make Time for You



Why can’t I find or make time for myself?  That’s a question I get from women quite a lot. So let’s talk about it and see if you can wonder a bit on the why beneath it. It’s the last week of this mini-mester on the Dear Daughters Podcast. I’m so grateful you’re here, friend. Let’s keep tackling your deepest questions and biggest tangles. Three ways to make time for you starts with soul goals. You need prioritize the inside health of who you are (those soul-ish parts of you) … your heart, mind, will, and personality. Time to play, to be quiet and to experience joy. Can you think of a time that we need more soul care than right now? It’s all about the little things that bring rest and delight into your life and create a cozy place for people to be invited into. Soul Goal #1: Schedule you into your calendar. Excuse: I’m too busy. You make time in your daily schedule to brush your teeth, to eat, to work and take care of your family … you prioritize a lot of things but what about your soul? You don’t think you’re