Healthy Families Made Easy With Dr. Jason Jones

Glycemic Index & Load: What are they and Why You Should Care



You might have heard of the scientific terminologies – Glycemic index and glycemic load and wonder what it means. Well, we are going to keep it simple for you in this piece. What is a glycemic index? Glycemic index is simply a measure of how quickly glucose in your food is absorbed and causes blood sugar levels to rise. Foods that have a high GI are digested and absorbed rapidly and raise blood sugar levels too rapidly. Foods with a low GI, in contrast, are digested more slowly and they lead to a slower rise in blood sugar levels. However, rapid glucose conversion is something that you don’t want to experience, as your body needs sugar levels to be consistent for it to function optimally. Although your brain needs glucose to operate, rapid conversion of glucose is not healthy. As glucose is being processed in the body, the hormone – insulin- is being secreted to allow glucose to be delivered to your body’s cells, resulting in a balance of blood sugar levels. But when your body detects excess glucose, insulin