Power Up For Profits Podcast

No Chicken Harmed With Rebellyous Chicken Nuggets



Imagine a world where those who love chicken nuggets can have their cake and eat it too. Simply put, a world where no chicken will lose its life to satisfy the appetite of millions of people who crave chicken nuggets. If Christie Lagally, CEO of Rebellyous Foods, has her way, you won’t have to imagine. A mechanical engineer who holds five patents, Lagally started the food technology and manufacturing company, Rebellyous Foods, in an effort to end factory farming by creating delicious, widely available, and affordable Plant-Based chicken products. While there are currently delicious alternatives in the marketplace, most Plant-Based meats are two to five times the cost of meat and were developed for the retail sector, making them inaccessible to many...until now. A female CEO in a predominantly male-led sector, Lagally is no stranger to being a woman leader in a man’s world. Prior to starting Rebellyous, she supervised a team of 35 engineers--mostly men--at Boeing where she and her team optimized the 777 wing