
Heaven and Your Spiritual Evolution with Dimitri Moraitis



Heaven and Your Spiritual Evolution inspires you to make your soul's growth an even stronger priority in your life. Based on fifty years of clairvoyant experience, Martin and Moraitis take you on an extraordinary journey through the many dimensions that exist in the world of spirit. They offer a clear picture of how spiritual growth is the process of evolving through the many inner realms of life, what the road to heaven looks like, and how the destiny of every soul is to reach the spiritual pinnacle. Learn effective meditations with Divine Light to increase your connection to the heaven worlds, unlock your creative potential, and accelerate your spiritual unfoldment. Complete with full-color illustrations by fine artist Jonathan Wilshire, the breadth and splendor of the spiritual worlds come vividly alive in this life-changing book. Discover: • The process of evolving to the heaven worlds and to your ultimate destination. • What the various spiritual realms are like including the astral, mental, causal,