
Quantum Brain with Amit Goswami



We all desire more meaning and purpose in our lives. A critical obstacle that you will need to surmount before achieving this worthy goal is your conditioned brain. Fortunately, you can reframe this obstacle as an opportunity for transformation to a new You -- in charge of your brain and using it optimally to manifest the infinite quantum potentiality that your consciousness has in store for you. The meaning of quantum physics was highly obscured. While researching this, Amit discovered that when quantum physics is formulated within the metaphysics of qualified non-dualism, as in Indian Vedanta, questions regarding meaning are immediately resolved. His work thus integrates science and spirituality. This work has culminated in his most recent book with the physician Valentina Onisor, Quantum Spirituality. Subsequently, he developed a theory of reincarnation and integrated conventional and alternative medicine within the new quantum science of health. Among his discoveries are the quantum theory of the creati