Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

The Pure Magic of Leaders Who Listen | S02 E11



When people feel heard, they feel known, valued – and this is desperately needed in our modern culture. It is, perhaps, an even deeper need for women in powerful leadership positions. Others listen to accomplished, successful women for the express purpose of acquiring knowledge for their own gain. But who truly hears and sees the strong, powerful women, herself, who is dispensing said knowledge? Out of this reality comes the wisdom that all need to be truly seen and heard. To not be is quite lonely. As women especially, we naturally possess the ability to listen and alleviate this need, if we are intentional to sharpen our skill. Leaders who do so will draw others to themselves who are at the same level, which is both desirable and mutually beneficial. Through this episode, I hope to ignite in you the desire to awaken the deep, pure magic of being a leader who truly listens and sees. What You’ll Learn Why we typically feel unheard Pursuit of knowledge Self-focused society The magic of listening Connect w