Security Voices

Pancakes & Machetes: A Dialogue with Lesley Carhart



There are few people, if any, who have given more of themselves to the cybersecurity community than Lesley Carhart. Our conversation with Lesley came immediately after the 3rd annual PancakesCon, a free conference she conceived with a unique “20 on, 20 off” format that celebrates who we are outside of work as much as what we accomplish as security professionals. In the fashion of a person who is both an incident response expert and a community organizer, the conference was pulled together in a frantic 11 days after Omicron wreaked havoc on Winter conference schedules and there was a gap Lesley saw that needed to be filled.Having joined the Airforce Reserves just before 9/11 with the intent to become an airplane mechanic, Lesley’s career has been spent balancing military service along with “the usual” pressures of working in cybersecurity. She explains how she juggled her civilian and military life for 20 years up until her recent retirement as an Airforce Master Sergeant. Lesley recaps her 2 decades of serv