On Notice

The Basics of Balance: Spiritual (31)



Welcome Back, Travelers! Sy + Drew return with a new season and the two are more zealous and determined than ever before. The episode kicks off with a check-in, because what good is time off without one? Those who often see glimpses of the best version of themselves, but are hindered by the stumbling blocks of inconsistency, hurried living, and misaligned priorities are affirmed and in good company. The ladies introduce “The Basics of Balance,” accompanied by a comprehensive tool intended to guide Travelers through in-depth reflection and action planning. Visit our site: https://www.onnoticebrand.com/ Get your FREE download of "The Basics of Balance Inventory": https://www.onnoticebrand.com/file-share Tag us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onnoticebrand/ Source Material & Recommendations: https://www.jamesclear.com/master-one-thing https://www.onnoticebrand.com/basic-01 Atomic Habits by James Clear One Month to Live by Chris & Kerry Shook