Back To Work

Episode 122: The Crowbar of Loyalty



TOPIC: Loyalty, Altruism, Reality Check, or Extortion? This week, Dan and Merlin talk about what we talk about when we talk about "loyalty." Links for this episode:[SPONSOR] ShutterstockStock Photos | Shutterstock: Royalty-Free Subscription Stock Photography & Vector Art - Search and select from millions of high resolution royalty free images, stock photos, vector art, and stock photography. [SPONSOR] Less MeetingLess Meeting helps you improve meeting planning, running meetings, and meeting follow-up. Less Meeting improves your ability to plan a meeting with meeting agenda templates and it helps you improve meeting minutes and action item follow-up. [SPONSOR] BackblazeEasiest online backup service for $5 month unlimited storage. Backblaze's remote backup automatically backs up your data to our secure datacenter. 15 day free trial. Graceland - a set on Flickr (Jimmy Marks)[[via](] Elvis: Albert Harry Goldman: 9780140059656: