Positive On Publishing Podcast

POP095 - Spread Positivity with Kimberley Bouchard



In this episode, we talk with Positively Disney’s Kimberley Bouchard.  Kimberly followed her passion and created a life integrating fun, making a difference, and being a successful entrepreneur. She fell in love with Disney as a child dancing to The Wonderful World of Disney in her living room. When her husband encouraged her to spend more time at the Magical Kingdom, she saw the Disney mission of  “representing all that is good in the world” as being something worthy of spreading. Positively Disney was born. In our interview, we talk about how Kimberley overcame those “little inner voices” of doubt and criticism to launch a life full of fun and purpose.  Don’t miss out on her secret of how she is able to show up every time in such as way that is magnetic and powerful for her fans. We uncover nine fun nuggets in our discussion about her approach to an integrated life: #1: Find a way to bring together what you love with what you do professionally. #2:  Age is just a number (never let it be an obstacle). #3:  D