Bickering Peaks: A Twin Peaks Podcast

Episode 73 - The Authorship Question



We've always appreciated the saying, "Save the Best for Last" and we followed it for this Shakespeare podcast. Nothing may draw more interest in the popular imagination of Shakespeare than whether or not he was actually the author of the works ascribed to him. So we wanted to send off our little podcast with a big topic: who was Shakespeare, if it wasn't Shakespeare? Notes: The Wikipedia master list of possible Shakespeare authorship candidates is... exhaustive. If you wonder why we say "Apparently" the way we do... And if you wonder why we say "To be fair" the way we do... Abel Lefranc was more a historian than a writer, to be faaaaiiiiir... The SCTV classic skit "The Adventures of Shake and Bake" is a nice parting gift from us to you - a bit of authorship question, a bit of pop culture, a bit of Canadiana. With love from Aidan and Lindsay. Ancient Bickerings: If Shakespeare wasn't the author of Shakespeare's works - who would you want it to be?