Baker Street With Thom Pollard

Laura Dekker, at Age 16 Became Youngest Ever to Solo Circumnavigate the Globe



Can you imagine achieving at the age of 16 what other dream their entire lives of doing and even then never take the first step toward embarking on the journey of their dreams?Our remarkable guest today knew from a very early age that she wanted to sail around the world, her own boat. It appeared as if everyone in her sphere were conspiring against her, to dash her dreams….well, I should say that her parents were very supportive, and encouraged her to put her thoughts into action. In fact, she was born in New Zealand, during a seven month sailing trip by her parents, spent the first five years of her life on at sea...was given her first boat at age six, a small dingy made for children…  She named her boat Guppy, all her boats have been named GuppyHer name is Laura Dekker. She’ll be 26 on September 20th….she has a Dutch, German and New Zealand citizenship...truly a citizen of the world. At age 14, with a solo trip to England …..and back - departing from her home in the Netherlandsunder her belt and