Baker Street With Thom Pollard

Survival - Inspiration & Hope, Author and Speaker Irene Butter, Survivor of the Holocaust



This powerful episode revisits an inspiring interview of hope with Holocaust survivor Irene Butter. For the thousands living today who survived that period in history, when the Nazi’s reigned terror around the world and attempted to rid the world of those who they deemed were a threat to their so-called superior race, the memory is a daily experience. Irene, like many, has chosen to honor those who lost their lives by telling us her story. Today we share a condensed interview with Irene first conducted in October of 2019. That interview, given the events of January 6, 2021 in the United States Capitol Building, are ever so poignant.Today, marking the Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 27, 2021 for CNN, Irene wrote:"Now, 75 years later, I see something I never imagined: echoes of the Nazis and their regime. What happened in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021, was an attempted coup of our government and an unraveling of the democracy that protects all of our rights. I saw a T-shirt with the words "Cam