Om Travelers

Episode 17- Kyle Bellinger (Osito Coffee & Cacao)



“Osito exists to champion coffees of the single growers and grower associations throughout all of Colombia. They work to cultivate long standing relationships between roasters and farmers all built on a basis of fair pricing and unparalleled quality.”I have been following Osito Coffee for a while on social media when one day I stumbled across a post announcing that they were about to import their first ever work with cacao from Colombia. I just had a feeling there was something about this cacao that was special and had a story to be. I quickly reached out to Kyle and just as quickly had a reply back. They asked how much I wanted for a sample as this was their first foray into chocolate. A few days later it arrived on my doorstep.The absolute most important thing for me when thinking about a new origin is the relationship I will have with the importer and equally as important is their relationship with the farmers where the cacao is grown. I have seen the efforts they put in to helping their coffee producers,