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What Next: Was the Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict Inevitable?



Last August, then-17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse crossed state lines with a semi-automatic rifle, and fatally shot two people and wounded another during a protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse’s lawyers leaned heavily on the teenager's right to defend himself. In Wisconsin, that means the prosecution had to disprove self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. Was it inevitable that Rittenhouse would walk free? And how did the community react when he did?  Guest: Stacy St. Clair, reporter for the Chicago Tribune.  If you enjoy this show, please consider signing up for Slate Plus. Slate Plus members get benefits like zero ads on any Slate podcast, bonus episodes of shows like Slow Burn and Dear Prudence—and you’ll be supporting the work we do here on What Next. Sign up now at to help support our work. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit