Dragged Into Turbolasers

Episode 18: The Dark Age of Sigmar



We begin this episode by talking about the new Age of Sigmar releases, focusing on some of David Waeselynck’s work, the Vanguard-Palladors and the new Slambo. We also discuss the recently released Warhammer Quest game, Shadows over Hammerhal. We then transition into describing how Jake from Ex Profundis started a movement to bring the narrative style of Inq28 to Age of Sigmar, creating AoS28. The Age of Sigmar setting is a veritable blank slate upon which you can explore virtually any creative impulse, without feeling beholden to droves of background knowledge. This has encouraged us to start building a warband of warriors afflicted by an odd crystallizing disease, inspired by the J.G. Ballard novel The Crystal World.