Real World Gardener Podcasts

Lacto Fermented Vegetables in the Kitchen Garden



 KITCHEN GARDEN LACTO-FERMENTATION There are several ways to preserve food, these include freezing, drying, pickling and fermenting. You may think that fermented foods are a recent trend, but in fact, fermenting food has been carried out for thousands of years. Fermenting food is one way of preserving your ample supply of produce that's growing in your garden. There are a few ways to ferment foods but lacto-fermentation is one of the easiest. The term lacto-fermentation is a scary one and belies how simple it really is. It's unbelievably quick and easy. So what is it? Firstly the term wasn't derived for having to use milk in the process. Lacto refers to the lactobacillus bacteria that does all the breaking down of the food. Did you know that all vegetables are covered in the various strains of the good bacteria lactobacillus? It does involve lactic acid in the process which is a good thing because lactic acid is a natural preservative. What about the bad bacteria? No problem, the brine that you subme