The Top 1% Sellers Podcast

Pam Fox Rollin on How Top 1% Sellers Can Succeed As Managers & Leaders



The Top 1% Sellers Podcast is for the sales professional and leaders community. We host top 1% sellers, discuss the secrets behind their success and what you can do to join their ranks. We focus on the top 20% of sellers and help many of them become Top 1% Sellers. We believe you can too. You can also learn about our upcoming top 1% sellers membership community here: In this episode, my guest is Pam Fox Rollin Executive Coach and IdeaShape founder Pam is an Executive Coach, Facilitator, Speaker and is a graduate of Stanford University School of Business Pam Fox Rollin coaches executives and teams to lead even more effectively at companies throughout the Bay Area and across the world. Drawing on two decades experience in strategy consulting, management education, and leadership development, Pam is known as a valuable thought-partner to leaders in complex organizations Facilitates senior teams through strategic, leadership, and organizational change Coaches CXO and executive levels to deep