Positive On Publishing Podcast

POP096 - Velcro to Good Feelings with Dr. Jane Tornatore



In this episode, we talk about the brain and how it protects us. However, the way our brains are wired can get in the way of ease and flow.  We dive into some productivity hacks, understand how language affects our feelings, and learn how to make intuitive decisions for the highest good. My guest is Dr. Jane Tornatore. Jane is the author of the compact and wonderful book, Everything is Perfect, Just Not ME! A Roadmap for Self-Acceptance. She is a therapist, coach, author, and speaker who loves to help people overcome perfectionism. We uncover ten fun nuggets in our discussion about her work with clients on the path to spiritual enlightenment. Enjoy the fun nuggets: #1: The brain develops in stages, starting with Delta waves (ages -2) and moving to Theta waves (ages 2-6). Healing occurs optimally in Delta and Theta brain states. Learn more about healing your mind/body system in this previous episode with Dr. Mario Martinez: https://makeeverythingfun.com/podcast/e062-dr-mario-martinez/ #2: Feelings are meant