Business Talk With Crystal O'connor

Episode #44 About Sacrifice! Why do we call it that? Let's look at it for what it really is



I hear a lot about sacrifice and how entrepreneur's have to sacrifice to get what they really want as an outcome. I don't believe it's sacrifice though in the grand scheme of things. You can't have one foot in and one foot out you'll never get anywhere in your business. So if you feel like you're sacrificing anything at all are you out of alignment? If you are feeling this way it could have you in a state of neutral. Self sabotaging and maybe even resentment. A good rule of thumb is to see yourself years down the road not having achieved your dream and notice the feel of that? Do you suspect you are regretting not giving it your all? There lies your answer. Get in alignment with your future self and that feeling you're striving for. There's no real sacrifice in forfeiting insignificant things for solid desires. Go for it. Don't stop and overthink it. Those desires you have are there for a reason. Go to and sign up for a 5 Day Challenge to help you align better with your goal